What We Do

These programs are based on the best-selling books by the renowned leadership expert John C Maxwell.

Small groups of up to ten participants join in reading and sharing learnings that will be implemented in the workplace from a best-selling leadership book over eight weeks in short 90-minute sessions. To learn more about the Leadership Mastermind Program, visit the John Maxwell Team website at Mark Cowan-Aston - Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member (johncmaxwellgroup.com)

The ability to give compelling impromptu and prepared presentations is a critical leadership skill, one that is generally at an ordinary standard throughout industry. A high intensity program featuring teaching, demonstration, practice and a lot of video work sees participants (maximum of eight) measurably improve their presentation skills in one day.
An holistic, comprehensive leadership program for your management team over a six-to eighteen-month period. Group training, individual coaching, and workplace application all combine to catapult your organisation's leadership capability.