Transformative Leadership Training

Leadership Mastermind

Are you looking to boost the professional development of the leaders in your business?
Leadership Mastermind Training gives your managers the tools & knowledge to become effective leaders in today’s fast paced digital world.

Aim of Leadership Mastermind

The aim of this Leadership Mastermind training is to inform existing and aspiring leaders of the core fundamentals of leadership practice in an interactive group environment.

Program Duration & Location

The Leadership Mastermind training is conducted:

  • over a 6-8 week duration, depending on the specific design of the program,
  • once a week for 90 minutes per session,
  • either in person or online.

Details of time and location will be confirmed once bookings have been made

Program Structure

The program is in essence a “Leadership Book Club". It requires all participants to read specified chapters of the core text each week, and meet weekly to discuss, dissect and digest the content. These discussion are designed to increase leadership knowledge and awareness, and to apply ideas in their individual workplaces.

Leadership Mastermind is a high impact, low investment leadership training program designed specifically to get those in leadership (or aspiring leadership) positions engaged in, and actively thinking about, the practice of leadership, both from a general perspective and their individual workplace perspectives.

Course Outcomes

Participants will have more confidence in their own leadership capability and can expect to walk away with the following four key benefits:

Increased knowledge and awareness of leadership in the workplace

Increase awareness of leadership in the workplace

Become a more effective leader

Become a more effective leader

Develop your skills to create new leaders

Develop your skills to create new leaders

Apply knowledge to your workplace

Apply knowledge to your workplace

Number of Participants

Designed for a maximum of 8 participants which gives optimal time for participation, contribution and learning.

Cost of Program

Cost of program: $697 per participant

Express Your Interest


Why Join a Leadership Training Program?

Joining a Leadership Training Program is a powerful way to accelerate your overall personal and professional growth and take your leadership to the next level.

What’s the Difference Between the Leadership Mastermind Program & Ordinary Leadership Training?

There are key differences between a Leadership Mastermind Program and ordinary leadership training. Deciding which is best for you will be based on your unique goals and circumstances.

Can Anyone Be Taught to become a Great Leader?

It’s often said that leaders are born rather than made. While we all have innate talents and capabilities that make us naturally better at some skills than others, leadership is a skill that can be taught so anyone can be a leader.


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Top 3 Books Leaders Should Read

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